Allocate Me is an Android application designed for healthcare professionals to manage their schedules, shifts and work-related tasks. It is possible to view and request shifts, swap duties and track work hours.
This is a centralized platform for healthcare workers to view and manage their shifts. Physicians, nurses, practitioners and others can check their assigned duties and swap days with colleagues. Automated scheduling ensures fair and balanced workloads, reducing administrative matters.
With instant alerts, you receive timely updates on shift changes, approvals and important announcements. Push notifications ensure staff members never miss critical information regarding their work schedules.
The app automates work-hour tracking by maintaining digital timesheets for accuracy and convenience. You can review logged hours to see if payrolls are calculated properly. The system minimizes errors and helps hospitals maintain compliance with contractual office hours. On top of that, it is possible to check the entitlement balance and see how much you earned for your vacation period.
- accompanied with a shift planner to check and swap working days;
- there are instant alerts which notify personal about new changes;
- employees can apply for time off and track approval status;
- allows to complete accurate salary calculations with recorded hours;
- free to download and use;
- compatible with supported Android versions.