eGSISMO is an Android application specifically designed for Government Service Insurance System members in the Philippines. Customers can access account details, loans, claims and other GSIS services.
The main dashboard displays membership details, including personal information, contribution records and service status. It is possible to apply for loans and track the status of requests in real-time without visiting an office. Users can also receive updates on claims like retirement, survivorship, and disability benefits.
Moreover, the app allows you to access and download your eSOA. You are able to check your contribution history and outstanding balances. It is possible to turn on fingerprint and facial recognition login for enhanced security to personal records. As an additional protection, you can download LastPass.
Members have an option to book appointments for in-person consultations and services at branches, reducing waiting times. It is possible to browse the calendar, mark the necessary date and view available slots to get prepared for meetings in advance. If you have issues with creating an event or have questions regarding the insurance, you can contact the support center that works around the clock.
- possible to check membership details, contributions, and service records;
- there is a built-in map for finding nearest offices;
- allows to log in with a fingerprint;
- free to download and use;
- compatible with supported Android versions.