GoodNovel is an Android application with a large collection of modern literature. You find books of different genres in free access.
You have access to a huge collection of books of various genres. There are fantasies and adventures, romantic stories and new releases, scary stories and books for LGBT people. With so many electronic copies and constant updates, you will have a lot of choices to read.
It is possible to read the contents of the novel, check the rating and reviews, read annotations and other remarks. The book pages are adapted to digital format, the font is quite large. In other words, it is very convenient to read these files on a smartphone and not get tired of the electronic format.
After reading the book, you can explore the collection by genres, new releases, authors and keywords. If users like the description of the novel, they may add a copy to their library. It is very easy to form your reading sheet, delete read stories and add new ones. So you will have quick access what you have already covered.
GoodNovel has an informative Facebook account. You have the ability to track novelties through this social network, as well as make reposts of beautiful aphorisms.
- free collection of books of various genres;
- large font and adaptation of the book to the smartphone screen;
- the app is free to download;
- compatibility with actual Android versions.