RoundSys is an all-in-one care management application for Android. Doctors can organize patient visits, monitor food intake and organize the list of tasks.
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It is possible to streamline and manage daily rounds for medical teams to regularly check their clients at hospitals and health centers. Users are able to set reminders for observations and log meetings to save important records. There is also an option of dietary tracking to monitor residents’ food and water intake.
Another key feature this app brings is task scheduling and staff coordination. It is possible to create holidays for employees and plan activities ahead to keep everyone informed. There is an integrated chat system that allows workers to communicate with each other and share info about patients.
To ensure a safe and functional environment, the utility allows you to log maintenance requests. You can address critical facility needs to provide high quality treatment and a comprehensive workplace for your patients and employees.
Moreover, there are bath and hygiene charts where you manage residents’ cleaning sessions. It is possible to create timetables for patients to take a shower without cross scheduling issues.
- no longer officially supported by developer;
- compared Care Planner, this service does not provide tools to create health plans;
- possible to keep and share visits records;
- free to download and use;
- compatible with supported Android versions.