ServiceWA is an application for Android developed by Western Government of Australia. People who live or travel in WA can access various public services.
Government services
Users can download this app to explore a wide range of government services and interact with the administration of Western Australia. For example, there is an option to find fuel stations, connect emergency organizations, search for fishing locations, monitor weather changes, check driver’s license and many more. Overall, ServiceWA is helpful both for individuals who do business in this state or travelers who would like to explore the wild part of the country without any unexpected issues.
What makes ServiceWA practical is that users can personalize its home screen. It is possible to add services and locations you’re interested in the first place. Moreover, you are able to volunteer for various jobs and activities by filling up necessary forms.
This section displays the latest emergency alerts and other important messages from the Government’s administration. Users can stay up to date with the latest wildfires in their regions. It is also possible to check other updates such as completing a drivers test, learning results of job applications and renewal of fishing license.
- allows users to view Government services of Western Australia;
- possible to search and apply for jobs.
- similar to ViewRanger, provides access to a list of public locations;
- free to use and download;
- compatible with supported Android versions.