SmartTask is an application for Android with which you can track your tasks to improve your time-management. There is an option to add comments and reminders.
This utility allows you to manage your projects and daily routine by tracking your tasks. It is possible to add people who are also responsible for a certain assignment. You can check the important updates and news related to your organization and department. There is an option to monitor the progress of your team and view the status of tasks. SmartTask helps you to collaborate with members of your company and send them messages to discuss the details of projects.
Tracking tasks
It is possible to create tasks and assign responsible people by sharing a link. Once you add or join any project, just like in Shepper, there is an option to check how much you need to finish your work. In order to always remember about your deadlines, you may switch on notifications. If you would like to highlight certain details of assignments, you can write comments.
You may edit, delete and archive tasks based on their status and priority. It is also possible to attach files to your messages so your members can understand your thoughts clearly.
- helps you to manage your projects and improve time-management;
- free to download and use;
- it is possible to collaborate with your team and send messages;
- compatible with current Android versions;
- there is an option to track the progress of your tasks.