Lively Wallpaper Metro is a program for Windows that provides access to a library of impressive and beautiful animated images with sound effects. Users can set these pictures as home screen wallpapers.
There is a list of dynamic wallpapers some of which come with audio effects. It is possible to check the preview of the picture before setting it as a home screen. Users can check objects in motion, various visual effects, sunrise, rain drops, city view from window and more.
Although wallpapers are impressive and may significantly consume system resources, they do not cause performance issues when you are playing games, browsing content online or doing any other activity on your PC. It is only when you turn on the home screen, they are working on full regalia. At all other times the program and its wallpapers do not use much RAM.
Add new wallpapers
There is an option to add images to make new wallpapers. You can upload files from your hard drive or browse an official store to get interactive background images. It is possible to download the package with a picture, video and sound effect to set them for your desktop screen.
Moreover, the app allows you to import media content from your gallery to create unique and customized wallpapers. There are basic editing tools to help you cut, merge and save fragments.
- compared to Lively Wallpaper, this app is a modified version with more advanced functionality;
- an open source platform, not subscription is required,
- possible to create customizable wallpapers;
- free to download and use;
- compatible with modern Windows versions.