MicroCode Studio is a Windows development framework that offers users a robust set of features for programming PIC microcontrollers made by Microchip. The integrated debugger assists in pinpointing and resolving common coding issues.
Project creation
It is possible to highlight syntax elements and automatically complete code snippets, streamlining development efforts and speeding up operations. You can compile resulting programs using both the PICBASIC and PICBASIC PRO compilers.
Like in MPLAB IDE, there is an option to execute the code on a target microcontroller for troubleshooting purposes. Tools for enabling variable inspection, register monitoring and real time memory analysis are provided as well.
Advanced capabilities
Users are able to mix assembly language routines with PICBASIC code for performance critical sections. Additionally, there are instruments for creating and managing custom codebases, ideal for automating repetitive tasks.
External editors, simulators and debuggers can be easily integrated into the workflow. Moreover, you can customize the environment according to personal requirements.
- free to download and use;
- contains tools for programming microcontrollers from Microchip;
- you can process the codebase using the PICBASIC PRO compiler;
- there is a powerful debugger for troubleshooting potential errors;
- compatible with all modern versions of Windows.