Popgene is a specialized Windows software oriented toward genetic scientists. There are instruments for analyzing variations within a specific population. Supported molecular markers include RAPD, SSR, RFLP and AFLP. The program is widely used by plant and animal breeders to improve the genetic properties of their stock.
This utility allows you to calculate a wide range of diversity measures and genetic distances as well as infer population structure and clustering patterns. Tools for performing the Hardy Weinberg and multilocus equilibrium tests are provided. Moreover, it is possible to find evidence of selective neutrality.
Users can view summary details, including allele frequency, effective allele number, polymorphic loci, observed and expected homozygosity, Shannon index and gene diversity. Similar to TASSEL, there is information about F statistics, gene flow and genetic distance.
There is support for co dominant and dominant markers. You are able to use both haploid and diploid data. Popgene implements sophisticated and powerful statistical techniques to perform scientific calculations.
- free to download and use;
- intended for analyzing genetic various types of markers;
- you can view allele frequency and observed homozygosity;
- it is possible to use both haploid and diploid data for statistical analysis;
- compatible with all modern versions of Windows.