Visual Paradigm Professional is a Windows-based modeling and design software oriented towards developers, business analysts and system architects.
The program supports multiple diagramming standards like UML, BPMN, and ERD, allowing users to create structured data representations. The intuitive interface makes it easy to do various projects including workflows, business processes and architectures. Moreover, there are advanced customization options.
With powerful code engineering tools, you are able to generate commands from UML diagrams and vice versa. The application supports Java, C++, Python, Oracle and other popular languages, making it suitable for a wide range of development needs. Reverse engineering capabilities help in analyzing existing instructions and converting them into visual representations for better understanding.
Designed for corporations, the utility comes with business process modeling options. You can create, analyze and refine collections of activities with interactive diagrams. On top of that, it is possible to integrate BPM with software development projects to improve overall cross-functional collaboration.
- automatically generates source code from diagrams;
- users can design and document APIs visually;
- there is secure cloud storage integration and team collaboration;
- free to download and use;
- compatible with modern Windows versions.