VisualGDB is an Windows-based debugging extension for Visual Studio program that simplifies cross-platform development with Android system.
Users can write, compile and debug code within the same interface without switching between multiple tools. The app includes full IntelliSense support, making composition of instructions more efficient and reducing errors. Moreover, the software enables debugging on various platforms and embedded systems. Developers are able to remotely fix errors with GDB, OpenOCD or JTAG probes.
The extension supports embedded toolchains such as ARM, ESP32, STM32 and AVR, providing an all-in-one solution for firmware development. There are project wizards that configure a set of tools automatically, reducing setup complexity.
With unit testing frameworks, you can make sure codes are applied properly before deployment. The application integrates with Google Test and CppUTest, allowing automated inspection execution. Coverage analysis highlights untested portions of instructions, helping you optimize your checking strategies.
- possible to develop, debug and deploy projects without switching between several tabs;
- works with ARM, ESP32, STM32, AVR and other microcontrollers;
- users can automate tests with well-known unit frameworks;
- allows to analyze the performance of utilities;
- free to download and use;
- compatible with modern Windows versions.