Challonge is an interactive application for Android that allows users to create tournaments and compete with each other as a team or a single player. It is possible to design detailed contests for various sports, online games and challenges.
There are a set of tools which help groups of friends, work colleagues and family members to organize tournaments and have fun. The app supports various formats of contests which suit a large selection of games. It is possible to set up a necessary elimination system and start competing with each other.
How matches are made
The process of challenge creation includes registration of all participants. You can enter your email and choose your team if it is a group game. There is a real-time scoring which shows which squad is winning right now. The app also notifies you about results of events you are assigned to perform.
There is a generator which tosses up the groups and allows participants to have fair play. At the end of the tournament, it is possible to see detailed charts with scores for each group and player. You can analyze your performance and compare results between teams.
- no longer supported by the developers;
- suitable for a vast array of interactive games, both online and offline;
- display scores of current matches in real-time;
- possible to share results on well-known social platforms;
- free to download and use;
- compatible with supported Android versions.