MetroLyrics is an application for Android with which you can find the lyrics of popular songs. There is an option to check the music chart.
This utility allows you to read and learn the song lyrics of various famous artists. It is possible to check the meaning of words and understand tracks better. You can also watch official music videos and latest news about your favorite singers. Just like in Sprint Music, there is an option to listen to popular titles of the best artists such as Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Zayn Malik, Sam Smith and many others. In addition, MetroLyrics has a chart with top songs for a certain period that updates every week.
How it works
You can explore various lyrics by entering titles of songs and names of artists. There is an option to tap on a certain word to view their meaning regarding context of the track. It is possible to find articles about latest releases and new albums as well as check the opinion of critics.
If you would like to understand the meaning of tracks that are written in foreign language, you may easily copy text and use Google Translate. It is possible to read the short biography of artists and description of albums. There are song lyrics of various languages such as pop, rock, rap and others.
- it is possible to read the meaning of songs;
- compatible with current Android versions;
- free to download and use;
- there are various clips of famous artists;
- contains news and articles about the music industry.